NEW FOR 2024! NG 4409 B3XF is a full season, Bollgard® XtendFlex® Technology variety well-adapted for the Southeastern region. This variety has top-end yield potential and an excellent fiber quality package. NG 5430 B3XF has impressive heat tolerance and is an aggressive plant type, responding well to PGR management.
NEW FOR 2024! NG 4409 B3XF is a medium maturing Bollgard® XtendFlex® Technology variety offering an excellent fiber package with a very long staple length. This bacterial blight resistant variety performs well on sandy soils and will be well-suited for the Texas High Plains, especially the region south of Lubbock.
NEW FOR 2024! Medium maturing NG 4414 B3XF is a Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology variety well-suited for the Mid-Atlantic Region. It has high yield potential and an excellent fiber quality package. This variety has shown good heat tolerance and has an aggressive growth habit, responding well to PGR management.
NEW FOR 2024! NG 4405 B3TXF is a medium maturing Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn™ with XtendFlex® Technology variety possessing an excellent fiber quality package and bacterial blight resistance. This variety is widely adapted across a range of soil types and production environments. NG 4405 B3TXF has performed extremely well across the MidSouth Region.
NEW FOR 2024! NG 3434 B3XF is an early maturing Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology variety offering excellent yield potential and fiber quality, with very long staple length. Its early maturity makes it a great fit for the Northern Plains of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.
NG 4343 B3TXF is a medium maturing Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn™ with XtendFlex® variety offering top-end yield potential and excellent fiber quality. NG 4343 B3TXF has a medium growth potential, is very easily managed, responsive to PGR’s and broadly adapted to both dryland and irrigated scenarios.
NG 3327 B3TXF is an early to early-medium maturing Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn™ with XtendFlex® variety possessing exceptional seedling vigor and an aggressive growth habit. This variety has excellent yield potential and fiber quality and will offer outstanding performance across multiple soils and environments.
NEW FOR 2024! NG 3457 B3XF is an early maturing Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology variety showing high yield potential and an excellent fiber quality package. This easily managed variety possesses good heat tolerance and is bacterial blight resistant. NG 3457 B3XF performs very well across the North Delta Region, particularly under high management conditions.
NG 4335 B3TXF is a medium maturing Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn™ with XtendFlex® variety having top-end yield potential and excellent fiber quality. This variety has a medium to tall plant architecture, is broadly adapted and will thrive in both dryland and irrigated environments.
NG 4350 B3TXF is a medium maturing variety with the latest Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn™ with XtendFlex® Technology. This variety has outstanding yield potential and an excellent fiber package, possessing premium staple length. NG 4350 B3TXF is broadly adapted across multiple soil types making it a good fit across the Belt.
West Gaines Seed offers our new BMR (Brown Midrib) Forage Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid, TRIPLE CROWN. This exceptional hybrid has reduced lignin giving enhanced digestibility and palatability and the ability to graze late season. TRIPLE CROWN is a versatile BMR sorghum x sudangrass hybrid that can meet most summer forage needs. It is strong tillering and has a good leaf-to-stem ratio with increased leaf percentage allowing for easier harvest and faster dry time.
TRIPLE CROWN can be flexible with planting date, thus having the ability to double crop with winter wheat. Good weather resistance and disease resistance to anthracnose and downy mildew. You can’t go wrong with TRIPLE CROWN BMR Forage Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid!
NG 3299 B3XF is a great fit anywhere early-medium maturing varieties are preferred. Loaded with Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology, this variety offers excellent heat tolerance and easy management. With very good storm tolerance and high turnout, NG 3299 B3XF is sure to impress!
NG 5150 B3XF comes packed with Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology. With excellent heat tolerance, NG 5150 B3XF is broadly adapted and will perform well where medium to full maturing varieties are preferred.
NG 4190 B3XF offers excellent yield potential and fiber quality on both dryland and irrigated acres. This impressive Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® variety has proven performance and is leading trials in multiple regions across the Belt!
NG 3195 B3XF is an early-medium maturing Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology variety offering good heat tolerance and consistent performance. This variety offers high yield potential and high turnout.
WGS 007 is medium-maturing, red grain sorghum. It is Concep®-Treated and offers some tolerance to Sugar Cane Aphid.
Contact your local WGS Retail Location or Depot for additional product details and pricing!
NG 4098 B3XF is a medium maturing variety boasting best-in-class fiber quality! Fully loaded with Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology, this variety performed very well in stressful environments due to its excellent heat tolerance. Very good overall disease package to protect yield.
NG 3930 B3XF is a widely adapted variety with Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology! This variety travels very well across the Belt. Outstanding seedling vigor! NG 3930 B3XF does well on most soil types and excels on dryland or limited water scenarios.
NG 4936 B3XF is a medium maturing variety loaded with Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology. This moderate-growing variety is very easily managed, very responsive to PGR’s, has phenomenal fiber quality and is broadly adapted to cover a wide range of soil types and environments.
NG 4792 XF is widely adapted to the South Plains and Rolling Plains of Texas regions. It is an indeterminate growing variety and has an outstanding disease package. NG 4792 XF offers very good yield potential on dryland or irrigated acres.
NG 5711 B3XF is a mid-to-full variety fully-loaded with Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® Technology. This variety has a smooth leaf, bacterial blight tolerance and fiber characteristics optimal for growers across the Belt. NG 5711 B3XF thrives under stress or aggressive PGR management and has a fit in just about any situation where a mid-to-full variety is preferred.
Spring Silage Option with Fall & Winter Grazing Potential
An awnletted addition to West Gaines Seed’s NexTrit triticale brand!
NG 4545 B2XF is a medium maturing variety featuring excellent yield potential, outstanding fiber quality, and Verticillium wilt and bacterial blight tolerance. NG 4545 B2XF moves very well across the Belt due to its disease package and indeterminate nature to work well on both irrigated and dryland acres, especially where disease pressure is heavy.
NG 3500 XF is widely adapted to the South Plains and Rolling Plains of Texas, and Southwestern Oklahoma. Performs well on both irrigated and dryland acres. Always a top performer in Verticillium wilt trials.
NG 3406 B2XF is an early-medium variety touting excellent yield and fiber quality. It performs well across the Cotton Belt and has a proven history of consistent performance. Widely adapted to perform in just about any scenario, it performs well on dryland due to its excellent seedling vigor and carries top-end yield potential for more intensely managed acres.
Proven Performer
Silage, Hay, Graze and Grain
Proven Performer for the Plains
PostRock Genetics – Only Better
Consistent Performance in Tough Conditions
Widely Adapted, Excellent Tillering Variety
West Gaines Seed also offers our Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid, TRIPLE SWEET. This exceptional hybrid has very similar growth characteristics to SWEET GRAZER PLUS with the benefit of being just a little sweeter tasting to cattle and has been shown to have slightly better yield and standability in comparison to SWEET GRAZER PLUS.
West Gaines Seed grows and packages a Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid, known around the world as SWEET GRAZER PLUS. It is the standard of the industry and with the combination of sweet stalks and juicy leaves, coupled with fast regrowth and high tonnage, SWEET GRAZER PLUS is ideal for direct grazing or hay.
SWEET GRAZER PLUS has a long history of excellent yields and high quality and works well for silage, green manure, or simply adding organic matter back to the soil. With its foliar disease tolerance, SWEET GRAZER PLUS is well-adapted to many climatic regions of the world.
Assistant Location Manager/Depot Advisor
Office: 806.698.6174 ext 106
Cell: 432.935.8669
Assistant Location Manager/Depot Advisor
Office: 806.698.6174 ext 106
Cell: 432.935.8669
Small Grains Processing & Packaging
Plant Manager
Office: 432.758.3628 ext 303
Cell: 432.955.8061
Small Grains Processing & Packaging
Plant Manager
Office: 432.758.3628 ext 303
Cell: 432.955.8061
Location Manager | Field Production Supervisor
Office: 806.698.6241 ext 159
Cell: 806.570.3220
Location Manager | Field Production Supervisor
Office: 806.698.6241 ext 159
Cell: 806.570.3220